Over four weeks, a darkroom specialist tutor led participants through a range of advanced darkroom practices, including printing on fibre-based paper, selenium toning prints, dodging and burning, digitising negatives and exploring the multigrade system.

This workshop is designed to give participants more guided mileage in the darkroom, increase their confidence and ability to use the darkroom independently and advance their understanding of the wide variety of analogue practice. The tutor worked with participants individually, responding to their needs and interests.

This workshop is perfect if you’ve completed our Introduction to Black & White Darkroom workshop, or have some experience in the darkroom and a budding analogue practice


Week 1
Getting re-acquainted with the PhotoAccess darkroom and introduction to printing on fibre-based darkroom paper.

Week 2
Diving deeper into dodging & burning and understanding how to get the most out of your negative when printing.

Week 3
Refining individual darkroom skills with your tutor’s guidance, including further exploring fibre printing, using the multigrade system and selenium toning.

Week 4
Identifying difficult negatives and managing techniques to counter problem areas.

Upcoming workshops

A photograph of a black dog with a camera and microphone in front of it

Pocket Cinema Workshop

Discover the world of mobile filmmaking with our Pocket Cinema workshop, a hands-on 4-session workshop taught by acclaimed filmmaker Nathan Hughes.