The Spectral Lens:
Curated by Carolyn Craig
photo access’ Members Show for 2022, Wild Blue Yonder, brings together a diverse community of artists to explore the ‘wild blue yonder’ – evoking endless horizons, soaring escape and the joy of adventure into parts unknown.
Across the ages, blue has been used when visualising something from our imagination, out of reach or the divine. As a pigment, blue is extremely rare in nature, despite being found in the environment around us – from the tranquil light blue of sky to the melancholy deep blue of the ocean. Unlike certain reds, browns, and yellows, blue pigment cannot be created from materials within our grasp. Blue represents an entirely new world beyond our own.
Emerging from a period of restricted movement, the works in this exhibition explore beyond our immediate surroundings and dive into the Wild Blue Yonder.
Featuring: John Morley, Korske Ara, Trevor Lund, Marie Lund, Fiona Little, Jim McGrath, Kathryn Leo, Andrew Robert Morgan, Alan Charlton, Brian Rope, Yvette Morris, Eva Schroeder, Claire Grant, Jane Duong, Hilary Wardhaugh, Louise Maurer, Max Bainrot, Lia Kemmis, Lee Wilkes, Richard Yan, James Harber, Amanda Pratt, Angus Kemmis, Chris Macpherson, Jenny Dettrick, Andrea Bryant, Sari Sutton, Lucy Found, Virginia Walsh, Ian Russell, Fernanda Pedroso.
Curated by Wouter Vandevoorde.