What is it?
HYPERSPECTRAL is the inaugural contemporary arts and music event by PhotoAccess! This exciting showcase will feature the convergence of local and emerging contemporary digital media, video, music and sound artists responding to the themes of Hauntology, Trans/Post Humanism, Otherworldly Events, and more than Human Occurrences.
What do we do?
Dance the night away to sets by local DJs (Blanket & Pluto), surrounded by immersive outdoor installations of experimental media. Bentspoke Brewing will be on hand to meet all your beverage needs, and chippie cones are available for purchase. Support local talent, and mark Canberra on the map for contemporary, experimental digital media.
Dale Caldwell
Jennie Feyen
Angelique Joy
Joanne Leong
James Mcgrath
Aaron Sun
Emma Winkler
Time & Location
8pm-Midnight, Saturday
26th November 2022
Manuka Arts Centre, 30 Manuka Circle, Griffith, 2603
Upcoming events
Book Launch:
Exhibition Opening:
Rozalind Drummond, Phoebe Kelly, Claire Paul, Sari Sutton
Join us for a lively opening with drinks and nibbles provided
40th Birthday Celebration
Come celebrate our big birthday with an afternoon-into-evening event